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Save Oldham Coliseum

Save Oldham Coliseum campaign group and 'Our Sleeping Beauty' in the news!

Credit: Elspeth Mary Moore
Credit: Elspeth Mary Moore

Since the release of our short film 'Our Sleeping Beauty (True Love's Kiss)' just over a week ago, our campaign to save our beloved Fair Bottom street theatre has been back in the public eye.

The passionate speech by Julie Hesmondhalgh followed by the supportive statements of leader of Oldham council, Arooj Shah and Jim McMahon MP gave the people of the town hope that the tide was turning on the issue as all options for the Coliseum were said to be back on the table.

The BBC covered the breakthrough that the campaign group had made following the event at Valentino's.

Specialist publications like The Stage and What's On Stage also covered the news.

Local outlets such as The Oldham Times, the Oldham Chronicle and the Manchester Evening News who have been monitoring the situation with the Coliseum since before it closed last year, also reported on the event.

Ian Wolstenholme of the Oldham Today Rewound podcast interviewed Julie on the night alongside Arooj and Jim which you can listen to here.

Since it's release, the video has had over 100k views across all platforms.

Please continue to send us your kisses using the hashtag #kissforthecoli

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